Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My baby!!!!

It's official, my baby is growing up! Gavin just learned to ride a 2-wheel bike. We went over to my parents house a couple of days ago and the boys(melissa's) were riding their bikes. Gavin wanted to try so what the heck and he just took off on it!! I guess it is time to remove the training wheels.
Today we took off the training wheels on his bike and fixed the back tire which had a flat, and off he went. He rode all day long, just grinning the whole time, he was so proud of himself and so was I. Gavin is growing up so fast, he will start kindergarten next month, it will be so strange to have all 3 boys in school. What is a mom to do??? Gavin thinks I will take a nap!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

project 101

So as everyone that knows me knows that I am not at all crafty or creative, I had never ever painted a piece of furniture until this last week. Ray's mom (aka: grandma funny) came to visit us from Texas this past weekend. She is so talented and I think can do just about anything.
We have had these old pieces of furniture for several years, they belonged to Ray's great aunt. They are great pieces of furniture but the color was horrible. I guess 40 or 50 years ago yellow was a good color to paint furniture, not just any yellow but a dingy yellow. So grandma funny came to "help" us refinish the furniture. She came up with this great idea of painting it this beautiful blue that matched the chair I had bought and then put a glaze over the top. The best part about this is that the paint we used with the glaze we got at Home Depot for only $1. It was in the "oops" bin, and we fell in love with it.
Here is the finished product it is hard to tell the colors my camera didn't do it justice. The next piece she got all crazy with and I just love it. Thanks grandma funny we love you.