Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yeah!! I still know how to Blog!!!

A couple of weeks ago I turned 40!!! Yes the big FOUR ZERO!! My kids love to tell me I am old and mean. (I cherish the mean comment). We had a ton of friends over for New Years and my birthday. Thanks so much to some great friends who made this party tons of fun. There were some "old" friends and some "new" friends, and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.

Thanks to Ray--I love you!! Kim, I am posting this cuz you give me such a hard time about not posting on my blog. My blogs are not nearly as interesting as yours and KyAnn's but I will try to do better.

Friday, August 28, 2009

First week of school

Finally here we are the end of the first week of school. The boys are all getting so grown up, it makes me feel old. Here is Dalton, I don't get very many pictures of Dalton(he hates his picture taken), but I made him do this for me. Dalton started the 10th grade this year. I hope he has a ton of fun in High School. I keep telling him that High School will only be as fun as he makes it.(Dalton just rolls his eyes) He has some fun classes this year--I love you Dalton!!

Connor is in the 6th grade this year. His is very excited this year to "rule the school" He has a great teacher and lots of friends at school. Connor is very smart (when he wants to be) and usually does very well. I am so proud of you Connor--Love you

And last we have baby Gavin. Gavin started the 1st grade this year. He decided he didn't want to go to the charter school again, so he is going to the same elementary as Connor. Gavin is most excited to ride the bus, eat school lunch and NOT have to wear a uniform. Gavin is such a happy kid and loves school. He makes friends wherever he is and will do awesome.. I love you buddy!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hair today---Gone, gone gone!!!

This is Connor and his beautiful hair. He has been growing it for quite some time and has been very possesive of it. Ray bribed him, with football camp coming up and the football season to start we told him that he needed to cut it.

He is not real sure if he likes it or not--of course we love him no matter what his hair looks like.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fruits (or vegetables) of our labor.

Here is the first "harvest" from our garden. Ray planted a ton of vegetables and this is the spinach. We have a ton!!! We or rather Ray planted tomatoes, peas, beans, cabbage, carrots, spinach, onions, zucchini, pumkins and watermelon.

Hopefully the rest of the garden does as well as the spinach has.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy 43rd Birthday Ray!!!

Today is Ray's 43rd birthday. I know I tried to make the "boob" cake last year, but since I am not very creative it didn't turn out very well. This year I had my friend Holly make it for me. She loves to make cakes and had a ton of fun with this. I am not sure who had more fun, her husband watching her or her making it, he is a little jealous she has never made him a "CAKE"

It is real hard to see but at the top of the bikini bottom is a "tattoo" it say's Raybeau!!! I hope he likes his cake. Happy Birthday honey, I love you!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Computer troubles

My computer has been down for about a month now, we finally got it up and running, but we had to take all my pictures off and delete everything on the computer. Hopefully I will figure out how to put my pictures back on and start blogging again. Hey Melissa I did change my background!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Rayleigh!

Happy 17th birthday to Rayleigh. It is hard to believe she is 17, when I met her she had just turned a year old. Time sure flies. Rayleigh is super smart and a beautiful young lady. She is real sweet to her brothers, and always good for a laugh. Happy Birthday we love you.